Friday, March 12, 2010

Mopeds in Hawaii an Update

so recently the Honolulu Advertiser published a story about mopeds citing recent accidents and excessive speeds for reasons the State of Hawaii is forming a panel to look at new moped laws.
Regarding speeding and Accidents. Firstly, There is already a Moped speed limit of 30mph set by the State. It is up to the Police Dept to enforce these speed limits. By creating new laws that require motorcycle endorsements and insurance ect. we will removing this inexpensive environmentally friendly mode of transportation. 99% of all moped drivers follow the laws of Hawaii's roads much like 99% of auto drivers follow Hawaii's road laws. Why is it that we don't then limit motor vehicles to a top speed of 65mph? If someone is going to speed or drive crazy no new law is going to stop them. Rather Have the POLICE do their JOB and enforce the LAWS. Moped Riders stand up for your Rights don't let the Government try and take our Rides away from us.

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